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SOLON, Ohio (WJW) -- Two Solon High School students are in 'self-quarantine' after coming in contact with one of three people in Cuyahoga County who tested positive for coronavirus, the district said in a letter to families.
The district said the students came in contact with the person who tested positive last week.
According to the letter sent to families, the students are in "self-quarantine" at the direction of the Cuyahoga County Board of Health.
"Solon High School and district administrators consulted with public health officials this evening to be certain we are following the appropriate and most-current guidance for schools," the letter said. "According to the Cuyahoga County Board of Health, there is no reason for the school to close or other individuals to be quarantined at this time. Solon High School will be in session tomorrow [Tuesday]."
The district said staff are "sanitizing and disinfecting the classrooms and common areas with exceptional attention."
Anyone who is feeling sick is urged to stay home.
"Students should not return to school until they have been fever-free for at least 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medications," the letter said.
The district said if would "take immediate and appropriate steps for the safety of our students, staff members and families" if recommendations from public health officials changed.